Wisdom Panel

Pet DNA consumer product

Fall 2019 - Fall 2022

Director of Product Design

Wisdom Panel

Pet DNA consumer product

Fall 2019 - Fall 2022

Director of Product Design

Wisdom Panel

Pet DNA consumer product

Fall 2019 - Fall 2022

Director of Product Design





As Wisdom Panel’s first internal product team, our job was to reimagine WP as a more consumer-friendly product that could stand toe-to-toe with our rapidly growing competitor, Embark. This would include a complete rebrand, UX overhaul, and an entirely new application platform.

Primary goals:

  • Turn the tide on Wisdom's damaged reputation in the pet DNA testing marketing

  • Appeal more to a general consumer market without compromising scientific integrity

  • Improve user engagement and conversion

Constraints / Challenges
  • Very tight timeline for the initial launch

  • Brand new engineering team, many of whom were straight out of bootcamp

  • There was some internal strife with the old guard who preferred that WP remained a more straight-laced, breeder-focused tool

  • Complexity—we had a lot to learn about dog DNA within the first month. Luckily, we had some amazing geneticists and veterinarians on-site to teach us and validate our solutions

Original Design

Breed breakdown only displayed down to 12.5% resolution and offered very few details or context.

The user interface was often extremely vague and esoteric, requiring excessive hunting and clicking to expose all of the information.

Many hero elements were not very mobile-friendly, and the monochromatic color theme was both inaccessible and constraining.




Super-rapid development

Given the amount of complexity we had to solve for in a compressed timeline, we had to be super-scrappy and collaborative. Each major feature was a two-week sprint, with the exception of Ancestry which we expanded to four weeks.

Design solutions were solved together on whiteboards and paper, often in realtime. Our design sessions and reviews included design, engineering, product, scientists (R&D), and marketing. It ended up being an excellent example of how to make the concept of 'Open Design' work.

Group strategy session

Making sense of the WP infrastructure

Daily DNA classes

Making friends is important too

Story mapping exercise

Provisional Persona: Purebred Parent

Provisional Persona: Mix-breed Parent

Provisional Persona: Dog Breeder

Two Larry’s and some stories

Design ideation session

More ideation...

Dot voting

IA whiteboard sessions

Whiteboarding Ancestry feature gaps

Whiteboarding initial IDP and onboarding requirements

Look! A wireframe! 👏🏻

DNA report features

DNA report features

DNA report features

Highlights page

We opted for a very simple, hub-based architecture, enabling pet parents to see results at-a-glance and then dive in for more details.

This approach made it easy for us to 'layer-cake' complex information. Generalized test results could be surfaced on the first page as soon as they were available. Users could then dive into the feature landing pages and then even deeper into the various detail pages, learning more about the science behind the results as they explored. We also served up temporary highlight cards such as research surveys, touts, and feature tests.

The Highlights page also doubled as a social profile page for sharing with friends and exploration via the Relatives feature. The photo gallery example shown here is an example of the social aspect of Highlights.

Highlights page

We opted for a very simple, hub-based architecture, enabling pet parents to see results at-a-glance and then dive in for more details.

This approach made it easy for us to 'layer-cake' complex information. Generalized test results could be surfaced on the first page as soon as they were available. Users could then dive into the feature landing pages and then even deeper into the various detail pages, learning more about the science behind the results as they explored. We also served up temporary highlight cards such as research surveys, touts, and feature tests.

The Highlights page also doubled as a social profile page for sharing with friends and exploration via the Relatives feature. The photo gallery example shown here is an example of the social aspect of Highlights.

Highlights page

We opted for a very simple, hub-based architecture, enabling pet parents to see results at-a-glance and then dive in for more details.

This approach made it easy for us to 'layer-cake' complex information. Generalized test results could be surfaced on the first page as soon as they were available. Users could then dive into the feature landing pages and then even deeper into the various detail pages, learning more about the science behind the results as they explored. We also served up temporary highlight cards such as research surveys, touts, and feature tests.

The Highlights page also doubled as a social profile page for sharing with friends and exploration via the Relatives feature. The photo gallery example shown here is an example of the social aspect of Highlights.


This was our hero feature. Our design improved the accuracy and resolution of the ancestry breakdown, and improved readability on mobile screens. Key improvements:

  • Breed detection resolution increased from 12.5% to <1%

  • Clear identification of breed groups

  • Mobile-first, responsive family tree

  • Improved 'Breed Explorer' interface and content

  • Later we added genetic diversity and chromosome mapping features


This was our hero feature. Our design improved the accuracy and resolution of the ancestry breakdown, and improved readability on mobile screens. Key improvements:

  • Breed detection resolution increased from 12.5% to <1%

  • Clear identification of breed groups

  • Mobile-first, responsive family tree

  • Improved 'Breed Explorer' interface and content

  • Later we added genetic diversity and chromosome mapping features


This was our hero feature. Our design improved the accuracy and resolution of the ancestry breakdown, and improved readability on mobile screens. Key improvements:

  • Breed detection resolution increased from 12.5% to <1%

  • Clear identification of breed groups

  • Mobile-first, responsive family tree

  • Improved 'Breed Explorer' interface and content

  • Later we added genetic diversity and chromosome mapping features


Our users expected a lot from our health test features, some of which we could support with our existing health data and science. Other items on the user expectations list, however, where going to require a lot more R&D time.

To that end, and because of time/resource constraints, our initial implementation of the Health feature was very MVP. Over time we began to make improvements to visual hierarchy and add new features.


Our users expected a lot from our health test features, some of which we could support with our existing health data and science. Other items on the user expectations list, however, where going to require a lot more R&D time.

To that end, and because of time/resource constraints, our initial implementation of the Health feature was very MVP. Over time we began to make improvements to visual hierarchy and add new features.


Our users expected a lot from our health test features, some of which we could support with our existing health data and science. Other items on the user expectations list, however, where going to require a lot more R&D time.

To that end, and because of time/resource constraints, our initial implementation of the Health feature was very MVP. Over time we began to make improvements to visual hierarchy and add new features.


Traits was another feature that started life in a very MVP state due to time constraints. Luckily, our competitor's traits feature wasn't much better, and later we were able to leverage our science and veterinarian staff help us source a library of visual assets to help educate and provide better context.


Traits was another feature that started life in a very MVP state due to time constraints. Luckily, our competitor's traits feature wasn't much better, and later we were able to leverage our science and veterinarian staff help us source a library of visual assets to help educate and provide better context.


Traits was another feature that started life in a very MVP state due to time constraints. Luckily, our competitor's traits feature wasn't much better, and later we were able to leverage our science and veterinarian staff help us source a library of visual assets to help educate and provide better context.


Our second hero feature came about in the following year after several months of research and testing. Embark had already beaten us to punch on this much-requested feature, and so expectations were high for us launch something that was distinctive while also providing more value.

We leaned into our ability to provide clear, simple and yet descriptive infographics, while leveraging the social-inspired design foundation we had already established with our Highlights page and sharing features.


Our second hero feature came about in the following year after several months of research and testing. Embark had already beaten us to punch on this much-requested feature, and so expectations were high for us launch something that was distinctive while also providing more value.

We leaned into our ability to provide clear, simple and yet descriptive infographics, while leveraging the social-inspired design foundation we had already established with our Highlights page and sharing features.


Our second hero feature came about in the following year after several months of research and testing. Embark had already beaten us to punch on this much-requested feature, and so expectations were high for us launch something that was distinctive while also providing more value.

We leaned into our ability to provide clear, simple and yet descriptive infographics, while leveraging the social-inspired design foundation we had already established with our Highlights page and sharing features.


We tried to strike a balance between capturing enough data during initial sign-up and getting our users into the platform as quickly as possible. This often required a bit of horse trading when working with our data hungry R&D stakeholders. We wanted to avoid over-loading users with information requests before they had a chance to actually see that app.

We were also trying to be mindful of the fact that registering their DNA kit and signing up was only part of the process—they still needed to administer the test to their pet, that could often be a stressful experience.

To mitigate these challenges, we leaned heavily into using post-onboarding user prompts to finish their profile and participate in scientific research surveys while waiting for their test results.


We tried to strike a balance between capturing enough data during initial sign-up and getting our users into the platform as quickly as possible. This often required a bit of horse trading when working with our data hungry R&D stakeholders. We wanted to avoid over-loading users with information requests before they had a chance to actually see that app.

We were also trying to be mindful of the fact that registering their DNA kit and signing up was only part of the process—they still needed to administer the test to their pet, that could often be a stressful experience.

To mitigate these challenges, we leaned heavily into using post-onboarding user prompts to finish their profile and participate in scientific research surveys while waiting for their test results.


We tried to strike a balance between capturing enough data during initial sign-up and getting our users into the platform as quickly as possible. This often required a bit of horse trading when working with our data hungry R&D stakeholders. We wanted to avoid over-loading users with information requests before they had a chance to actually see that app.

We were also trying to be mindful of the fact that registering their DNA kit and signing up was only part of the process—they still needed to administer the test to their pet, that could often be a stressful experience.

To mitigate these challenges, we leaned heavily into using post-onboarding user prompts to finish their profile and participate in scientific research surveys while waiting for their test results.

SSO authentication & onboarding flow

Implementing SSO across the Kinship verticals proved to be very challenging, as no two Kinship products shared the same codebase or authentication model.

We also exposed a major issue with sharing the same password between domains, as users who used their bowser password manager could potentially get trapped in a never ending loop of forgot pswd / change pswd / forgot pswd and so on.

After much debate and horse trading with our Kinship stakeholders, the engineering team proposed bypassing passwords altogether and just use email confirmation links (magic links). An imperfect solution, but ultimately better for our users while we worked with Kinship on a more stable, centralized SSO solution.

Engineering collaboration

Engineering collaboration

Engineering collaboration

Coco design system

We worked with the engineering team to build out an extensible design system, which we documented across (first Abstract then) Figma, Zeroheight, & Ember Freestyle (similar to Storybook).

Once the system had a strong foundation of base components and patterns, the design team, engineering, and even product stakeholders were empowered to quickly explore new ideas and build rapid prototypes to test with our user base.

Collaborative handoff flows

We created detailed user flows and interaction guidelines for nearly every feature, as well as focused prototypes for communicating various micro-interactions and transitions. Engineers had full Figma access, and participated in flow validation, documentation, and often even some design.

Brand & marketing collaboration

Brand & marketing collaboration

Brand & marketing collaboration

Coco illustration system

We partnered with the Kinship brand team to build out a new illustration system, based on some initial work I had done for the Wisdom D2C site.

D2C store

Our team was also responsible for designing and maintaining Wisdom Panel’s D2C site. We worked closely with the marketing and brand teams to keep the store up-to-date with fresh content, while consistently optimizing elements, layout, and UI to improve customer engagement and conversion.


Product Display Page

Wisdom wins

Net Promoter Score

Compared to ~45 when I started.

Net Promoter Score

Compared to ~45 when I started.

Net Promoter Score

Compared to ~45 when I started.

30 day engagement

High post-results engagement compared to similar products.

30 day engagement

High post-results engagement compared to similar products.

30 day engagement

High post-results engagement compared to similar products.

Average customer rating

We’ve built a product that brings joy to pet parents.

Average customer rating

We’ve built a product that brings joy to pet parents.

Average customer rating

We’ve built a product that brings joy to pet parents.

Year over year growth

Between 2020-2022.

Year over year growth

Between 2020-2022.

Year over year growth

Between 2020-2022.

Pets tested

Including >27k dogs in our bread reference panel, the largest Dog DNA database in the business.

Pets tested

Including >27k dogs in our bread reference panel, the largest Dog DNA database in the business.

Pets tested

Including >27k dogs in our bread reference panel, the largest Dog DNA database in the business.

Highly accurate

Human-rated genomics backed by a dedicated science / R&D team.

Highly accurate

Human-rated genomics backed by a dedicated science / R&D team.

Highly accurate

Human-rated genomics backed by a dedicated science / R&D team.

Wisdom retrospective

I’m glad we…

  • Improved our reputation in the consumer pet DNA space while maintaining scientific integrity

  • Created a robust product platform that allowed for rapid research, ideation, design, and execution of new features

  • Raised our Net Promoter Score from ~45 to 76

  • Launched Wisdom Panel for cats 🐈

  • Created a product that brings joy and helps the lives of pets

I wish we'd…

  • Spent more time improving the Health and Traits features. There was a lot of exciting research and exploration coming out of our R&D team that would've provided a ton of benefits for pet parents

  • Implemented some of those wicked dog finder / pet community features we explored. They didn't test as well as we had hoped, but I felt that these community features could have ultimately evolved into something very special

Larry Reynolds | Digital Product Design

© 2023

Larry Reynolds | Digital Product Design

© 2023

Larry Reynolds | Digital Product Design

© 2023